Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Feeling hot, hot, hot

I hate summer. Heat and humidity make me feel pukey, grumpy and tired. It's June and already we are in the middle of a heat wave. The other day the humidex reading was forty-one degrees. Usually we don't get heat waves until July when we've had several weeks of warm to help us prepare for it, but this heat wave came out of nowhere, like that police officer who gave me a ticket for failing to come to a complete stop in the middle of buttfuck nowhere with absolutely nobody in a five mile radius, (except for the officer obviously. Bastard. That, friends, is a story for another day). Last week, I still had the duvet on my bed and sleeping was quite comfortable. This week the only thing on the bed is me in my granny knickers, not a pretty picture, let me assure you. I've spent the past three nights sprawled on top of the bed with the fan blowing on high, trying to get a decent night's rest, but it's hard to settle in for a night of blissful slumber with rivulets of sweat trickling down your cracks and crevices. Again, I have procrastinated and I am paying the price. I have a perfectly good air-conditioner sitting in the closet waiting to be installed, but I thought I had at least a few more weeks to do it. And now, it's too bloody hot to do it. Rumour has it that the humidity is going to break for the weekend so guess what I'm doing. I'm sure there will be funny little stories to tell about that. I am useless with tools and the air conditioner is heavy, large and awkward. Should be interesting. Wish me luck.


Zinnia Cyclamen said...

Best of luck. I love heat, but not humidity, so you have my sympathy.

CC Devine said...

I'm exactly the same as Zinnia - my brain seems to melt and I lose the ability to function when it's humid outside.

I sympathise with you!

Lane Mathias said...

Good luck with that installation. Hope you won't be installing it in your granny knickers!

Nasty nasty policeman btw!

Helen Shearer said...

zinnia and cc...seems like the three of us can't handle the humidity so let's just pour ourselves a cool drink and relax until it passes, shall we?

lane...I bought some new knickers today. They're still shaped like classic granny knickers but they're racy, ravishing red so I don't think they count. My granny certainly wouldn't be caught in them.

Susie McCray said...

Get one of your neighbors to help. Sometimes when you the damsel in distress role guys will offer a helping hand. Don't let them stay too long though or you'll never get rid of them.

Lane Mathias said...

Everything alright or have you been abducted by the writing fairy?:-)

Liane Spicer said...

Helen, thank you so much for dropping by my blog and joining in the book launch celebration! It was a wonderful party, and I had a great time!

Zinnia Cyclamen said...

Hi, I see you haven't blogged for a while - I hope everything's OK. We're guessing you didn't see Liz's recent post on the Novel Racers asking for people's intentions for 2009. Please could you have a look at the post here http://novelracers.blogspot.com/2008/11/race-2009.html and leave a comment to let us know what you'd like to do? Or if you'd prefer to let us know 'off the record', feel free to email me at the address on my blog, or JJ at the address on hers. (I would have sent this by email with a cc to JJ, but I couldn't find an email address for you.) Thanks.