Wednesday, November 21, 2007

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

I have been a very bad blogger of late. When I started this blog I intended to post at least every second day. But life just seems to get in the way, and although that's hardly a good enough excuse, it's the only one I can come up with. In the absence of anything mind-numbing or Earth-shattering, or let's be honest, remotely interesting to say, I have decided to simply change the colours to something more seasonal until inspiration strikes.

When I went to bed last night, it was cold, windy and barren outside, and Christmas was the last thing on my mind. I woke up this morning to several centimetres of heavy, sticky, crunchy, lovely, snowman-making, snowball-throwing, baby-it's-cold-outside snow. I suddenly have the urge to go out to the shops and spend money I don't have on lovely things for friends and family, then come home, make hot cocoa, pop White Christmas or Holiday Inn into the DVD and wrap things. The best part? The weatherman is calling for upwards of twenty-five more centimetres by this time tomorrow! It really is the most wonderful time of the year.


CL Taylor said...

I'm feeling really Christmassy already too which is strange because last year and the year before I didn't feel Christmassy until the middle of December.

I know what you mean about lack of blogging inspiration. My blog has gone from a post pretty much every day to a post every four days or so. The worst thing is I feel guilty about my lack of posts but there's no point posting when I've got nothing to say!

Leigh Forbes said...

Oooh, snow!

It's cold, dank and drizzling here, resulting in the kind of damp that gets through to the bones.

I am much insprired by your Christmasiness, and might just have to go and light the fire.

Annieye said...

I love snow. Your blog painted a lovely picture of the coming festive season. We haven't had a white Christmas for years now. I love watching children playing in the snow and can well remember when I was a child the excitement of walking to school in my wellies, with sparkly icicles hanging from the roofs.

I've only just started blogging and you're right, it is difficult to find something different to say every day.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

I'm also feeling strangely Christmassy already and even bought two boxes of candy canes today to put on the tree, when we eventually get one.

I've just found your blog through The Finishers and your previous post struck a cord with me.

Lane Mathias said...

Can't remember the last time it 'looked like Christmas here':-(
(Unless you count the fake stuff that the girls sprayed on the windows last year and the dogs promptly licked off)

Enjoy the white stuff:-)

Travis Erwin said...

We jsut got out first snow too, though I doubt a Texas snowstorm comes anywhere close to the ones you have.

Fiona Mackenzie. Writer said...

I feel Christmassy too and am off to Marks and Spencers to buy Antonio Banderas for myself - I'm worth it.